Programme for Friday Mornings

Members are free to pursue their own projects if they wish; however, they are encouraged to follow the theme for the day that is set in the programme below: this was last updated on the 20 July 2024.
Here is the Programme for the Friday sessions to end of AUGUST. Geee ... that's a long term!?:=.

July 26 Skies and Cloud formations. References will be supplied through window; courtesy of God .... ah! but which one!?!
August 02 A Landscape.
August 09 A European Landmark.
August 16 Oh!!! Do what you like!
August 23 Make up an Art Club logo .... !?
August 30 ~It was the best of times when ..... ?? What?

If you cannot make the Club .... or even if you can ... why not follow the theme at home, then post the result on the Club's Facebook page ..... go on, be bold; you know you want to!!
ALSO ... if you become aware of an Art Fayre somewhere local, we might think about setting up a stall to promo' the club .... maybe even sell a painting or three!! I am currently looking into a possible exhibition / fayre at The Minster for Nov / Dec.